What is Twitter?

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Simply explained, twitter is a short text messaging service where people write what they are doing at the moment. The text is called tweet, and must be maximum 140 characters. All tweets from a twitter user are displayed on the user profile page. The tweets are also delivered to the subscribers or known as followers. Twitter user or the tweet author may configure the delivery of the tweets to a list of friends or, by default, accessible by everyone (open access).


Now iPod Nano can record video

Monday, September 7, 2009

For some gadget mania, they always want to have some excellent kinds of gadgets that could give them some satisfactions of having it as one of their collections. They wouldn’t be satisfied enough if they haven’t got the latest gadget version. Here is the good news for the gadget freaks. The Apple has released their latest version of the iPod. They have release the New iPod nano. They claimed that this iPod is different with the older version.

The Apple has claimed that this version of the iPod is better and has more functions that the previous one. They have completed this New iPod nano with video recording feature. For some people, with this additional feature, the New iPod nano would be the most sophisticated music player ever in the gadget world. The Apple also claimed the same thing about the wew iPod nano.

Well, but if you were hoping for some better other features, well perhaps this isn’t the kind of gadget that they could get. But if they need the kinds of excellent music players that have the excellent video recorder, this is the perfect one for you. Are you ready to have this excellent gadget? Come and get it!

